
Credit: Quang Nguyen Vinh - Pexels
Members of the Built Environment Thematic Areas start identifying key topics to work on
24 September 2024
Built Environment, ACR+ News

ACR+ Built Environment Thematic Area successfully held its first Meet Up last week building the foundation of a strong community in this field around members’ needs. The meeting, aimed at being a regular rendez-vous, already positioned itself as a place for active exchange between practitioners. Not only participants got a refreshment on relevant practices highlighted in the past by ACR+ (through the project ProCirc and guidelines on sustainable construction) but they also started to brainstorm on concrete activities and topics to investigate to support their needs. The following topics could be tackled by the group: public procurement and GPP criteria for construction; bio-based construction material; digital passport for construction products; renovation projects; design and renovation for sufficiency. Furthermore, the meeting was an opportunity to engage members in a future exchange opportunity organised within the INERTWASTE project. Until the next Meet-up in December, the group members will work on defining the 2-3 topics they will work on for 2024-2025, establishing connection with experts and projects.
If you missed this first meeting but would like to join the Built Environment Thematic Area and have access to a summary of the meeting, please contact Serena Lisai (