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Letter calls for accelerated circular economy transition

The Circular Cities Frontrunner Group, a coalition of leading European cities, has sent an open letter to newly elected Members of the European Parliament, urging them to take bold steps towards accelerating Europe's circular economy transition. ACR+ supported the letter which emphasises the crucial role cities play in advancing sustainable urban practices. The letter calls for enhanced policies to support circular initiatives, reduce waste, and promote resource reuse as a pathway to addressing climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss. 

The letter highlights that while the EU has made progress through initiatives like the Circular Economy Action Plan and Right to Repair, structural challenges persist, particularly for local economies competing with linear models. It calls for binding circular economy targets, broader economic incentives, and increased support for cities to scale up their circular practices. The Frontrunner Cities Group is set to release policy recommendations and case studies later this year, reinforcing its commitment to creating a more competitive and resilient Europe. 

Read the letter. 

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