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ACR+ backs Green Solidarity 

ACR+ has lent its support to a new policy briefing crafted by a coalition of social and environmental NGOs aimed at guiding the preparation of National Social Climate Plans. The briefing focuses on the EU’s Social Climate Fund (SCF), established to mitigate the socioeconomic impacts of the extended Emissions Trading System on the transport and heating sectors. Low-income households and small businesses, particularly in Central and Eastern Europe, face significant challenges due to rising carbon costs and the expenses associated with transitioning to renewable energy solutions like heat pumps or electric vehicles. 

The policy briefing offers a set of actionable recommendations including prioritising structural solutions such as expanding green and social housing, promoting public transport, and ensuring meaningful public consultation during the planning process. It also stresses the need to mobilise additional funds beyond the mandatory 25% co-financing rate to ensure a truly equitable and sustainable transition.  

Read the briefing. 

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