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Last opportunity for public authorities to increase their knowledge on public procurement of innovation

The Professional Network of Public Authorities interested in Public Procurement of Innovation is preparing to close its cycle of training. On 17 May, the last module will take place, focusing on the benefits of public buyers’ collaboration. Under the BRINC project, this network helped public authorities to develop their competences through capacity-building and knowledge-sharing activities. ACR+ already organised 4 training sessions, all available online if you would like to watch the recordings. They focused on the following:

In parallel, the project organised trainings for SMEs and supported three procurement cases:

  • Procurement of solution to reuse and recycle single use medical waste (Institut Catala de la Salud)
    Find out more about the ICS demands and procurement journey in a knowledge sharing workshop and learn about some of the solutions proposed to ICS during the market dialogue.
  • Procurement of a recycling plant for diapers (City of Copenhagen)
    Learn about the results of the pilot RE:DIAPER carried out in the city of Copenhagen and hear plans and opportunities that lie in a Nordic collaboration on diapers in this webinar.
  • Procurement of electric vehicle chargers (Parkering Malmo)
    Find out more about Parkering Malmo demands in this knowledge sharing workshop and about some of the solutions proposed to PM during the market dialogue.

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