FER-PLAY | Save the date for the first working group on best practice on the promotion of production and use of alternative fertilizers
Are you a regional authority interested in promoting the production and use of alternative fertilizers? Would you like to hear about some best practice cases on the topic? Join us online on the 7 November, from 10:00 to 12:30 CET. Register here by 31 October.
The working group will provide a room for discussion between frontrunners and regions aiming to support the uptake of alternative fertilizers by farmers. Frontrunners are, in this case, regional authorities that have supported the production and the use of alternative fertilizers and managed to either create a local market for alternative fertilizers or successfully convinced local players to effectively use them through policies, partnerships, or technical solutions.
Following the presentation of several best practices, a Q&A session will be held to discuss the content of the presentations. The discussion will target the topics of replicability, barriers, the use of alternative fertilizer in organic agriculture (among others). We therefore invite any regional authority interested in the topic of alternative fertilizer to join us in this working group. The data gathered during this working group will feed the content of a policy brief addressed to policy makers to deliver successful strategies and instruments for the market deployment of alternative fertilizers.
You can consult the agenda here.