EWWR | The 14th edition of the European Week for Waste Reduction is almost ready to start
The registrations to participate in the EWWR 2022 have been opened in September and the number of inspiring raising-awareness actions keeps growing hour after hour. As every year, many are the countries involved and everyone is invited to act against waste, to promote an economical and societal model in which 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) are at the base of every decision. Divided in 5 categories, public administrations, private companies, educational establishments, no profit associations and citizens, are working hard to organise events, public challenges, webinars, online campaigns, visits or workshops to promote waste prevention. The selected topic of this year, circular and sustainable textile, attracted the interest of most of the participants. Many actions are focusing on reducing textile waste by implementing eco-design strategies or communicating about the huge impact on our planet and society of the textile sector, or by encouraging and challenging people to embrace a minimalist lifestyle or supporting the second-hand and repair sectors. Nevertheless, other key topics such as food waste, electronic devices, education, and citizens’ engagement are still well represented in the EWWR 2022 actions. If you haven’t done it yet, don’t wait longer and register your action: the last day to register is 13 November.