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European Waste and Resource Days held in Brussels on 7-8 November

22 November 2012 News Archive

Stakeholders from all over Europe met for the European Waste and Resource Days

Stakeholders from all over Europe met for the European Waste and Resource Days

The event was organised by ACR+ and Brussels Environment  with the support of the Committee of the Regions, the INTERREG IV C programme and the RREUSE network.

This two-day event featured the final conference of the Pre-waste project on 7 November, followed by the ACR+ Conference and General Assembly, as well as a European Seminar on Reuse on 8 November. Its aims were to help cities and regions to face challenges related to waste management and to exchange experiences and good practices.

It was a success with a number of 170 participants who met and interacted throughout the two days. To find out more about the conference, to view the photo gallery, and to download the programme and the presentations, please click here.


Contact details

Katarzyna Koniecka-Giráldez
Communication Manager | +32 2 234 65 08

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