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EMULSA | Initial draft of Gijón’s Waste Management Plan

18 February 2025 Members' News

Technical staff from the Municipal Environment Services Company of Gijón (EMULSA) presented the initial draft of the Gijón Waste Management Plan to the board of the Federation of Urban Neighborhood Associations. This meeting was part of a series of bilateral sessions organised by the Department of Environment to inform, analyse, and gather consensus for the final draft of the new plan.  
The plan aims to address waste management, prevention, circular economy promotion, recycling, separate collection, and public awareness. Gijón's recycling rate is higher than other large Asturian cities but still falls short of EU targets, with only 36.3% of waste being separated for recycling in 2024. The new plan aims to meet EU requirements by 2025, focusing on community involvement and new waste management strategies. The city’s goal is to achieve a 50% separate collection rate, engaging citizens in environmentally friendly practices and offering incentives to meet legal and environmental objectives. 
Source: (in Spanish) 

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