
The CYCLE project – Circular Economy Competences, making the Case for Lifelong Learning – aimed to create a set of tools that improve and develop adult trainers’ competences that ensure the introduction of circular economy competences in adult training, contributing to the creation of an attractive learning pathway for trainers and facing the existing gap in this area.

Project co-financed by the ERASMUS+ Programme of the European Union. 2017 - 2019



The CYCLE project was meant to create a set of tools that improve and develop adult trainers’ competences that ensure the introduction of circular economy competences in adult training, contributing to the creation of an attractive learning pathway for trainers and facing the existing gap in this area. The main target group was “non vocational adult trainers” defined as those trainers & facilitators that provide any form of adult learning – formal and not formal – that is not directly linked to the labour market.


The CYCLE Competence Centre is the main result of the project. The E-learning platform targets educators, educational institutions and local policy makers willing to increase and transfer their expertise in the circular economy; but it is also perfectly suitable for self-learners. The six project partners from Austria, Belgium, Italy, Poland, Spain and the UK enriched the platform with customised content according to their country and language.

The project also contributed to the publication of the booklet “Circular Economy and Lifelong Learning: Scenarios – Methodologies – In action”. The report gathers diverse experiences from local authorities, experts and practitioners on the topic and aims to make their stories a knowledge base for the development of the circular economy through educational tools.


The CYCLE project provided a starting point to define a set of competences on the circular economy for adult education. The CYCLE competence framework identified three large groups of competences:

On this basis, the project partners worked together to build an online platform, the CYCLE Competence Centre, gathering open educational resources that serve the purpose of mainstreaming these competences in learning processes.

A multiplier event was organised by each project partner in order to reach potential users of the platform and other stakeholders in the fields of circular economy and education.


CYCLE project coordinator was DRAMBLYS (a social creativity lab, ES) and its project partners were:

  • ACR+, Association of Cities and Regions for sustainable Resource management (BE)
  • 3S, 3S Research Laboratory (AT)
  • PIN SOC.CONS. A R.L., Servizi Didattici e Scientifici per l’Universita di Firenze (IT)
  • 36,6 CC, 36,6 Competence Centre (PL)
  • Pontydysgu, Pontydysgu – Bridge to Learning - Educational Research (UK)
