How a city is built can have a massive impact on environment and climate change effects. The topic of built environment is key in the framework of a circular transition. Adopting circular solutions and strategies on built environment can produce benefits in terms of reduction of GHGs emissions, land use, energy consumption and even on the level of happiness of citizens.
This topic within the ACR+ Thematic area is strictly related to sectors such as urban planning and design, architecture, referring to buildings, public spaces and infrastructures, and, in general, construction and demolition value chains. Public authorities can play a key role in promoting and supporting circularity in the built environment by implementing policies and actions that:
- Make secondary materials competitively priced through green taxes;
- Promote resource efficient habits;
- Guide by example implementing a circular approach on public construction contracts;
- Facilitate selective demolition, renovation, retrofitting, and materials’ reuse;
- Support research on and implementation of circular construction solutions (i.e. circular biobased materials, Nature Based Solutions, etc.).
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