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Don't Waste Our Future!

12 July 2016 Content

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DWOFDon't waste our future (DWOF) aimed to build a European alliance of youngsters against food waste and for new models of sustainable development and consumption in the framework of the European Year for Development 2015. 

Project co-funded by the European Commission under the EuropeAid project, 2015 - 2017.



The final conference presenting the results of the project took place on 20 April 2017 in Brussels. All presentations are available on the event's page.

A European charter on the fight against food waste and the right to food has been published. It could be endorsed by anybody, for instance association representatives and even single citizens. 


{slider THE PROJECT}

The project intended to contribute to concrete behaviours change of the young generations, who are “today and tomorrow” consumers and future decision makers.

The main idea was to involve youngsters not only as beneficiaries of the action, but above all to make them protagonists and awareness agents towards their families and other coetaneous.

 {slider ACTIVITIES}

The main result of the project is the DWOF charter through which schools and local authorities commit to address food waste and the right to food through the following can be resumed in three topics:

•    Establishment of a steady curriculum within the formal educational system to provide education on responsible behaviours and fighting against food waste addressing young generations
•    Empowering young generation and make youngsters peer to peer agents for responsible behaviours and fighting against food waste
•    Increase the role of local authorities as policy makers and awareness agents for citizens in responsible behaviours and fighting food waste

As a partner, ACR+ participated in the steering committee, appointed experts for activities and settled agreements with relevant local actors and stakeholders. ACR+ also helped with the development of methods and materials and promoted in particular the DWOF charter on the fight against food waste.

{slider THE CHARTER}

In the framework of the Don't Waste Our Future (DWOF) project a European charter on the fight against food waste and the right to food has been adopted.

This charter is the results of discussions and meetings between students and local authorities' representatives and includes commitments and recommendations applicable by students/schools and local authorities. It was launched during the "1st European Forum of Youth and Local Authorities against Food Waste and for the global Right to Food" held in Milan on 21-22 October 2015 within the EXPO 2015. It could be endorsed by

Download now the Don't Waste Our Future 2015 Charter


The coordinator of this project was FELCOS Umbria and several partners were also involved:
•    ACR+
•    University of Glasgow
•    Commune di Foligno
•    Municipality of Agios Athanasios
•    Centre for the Advancement of Research & Development in Educational Technology
•    Oxfam Italia
•    Associaçao In Loco
•    Fondo Provinciale Milanese per la Cooperazione Internazionale
•    Fondo Andaluz de Municipios para la Solidaridad Internacional

* ACR+ member


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