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18 August 2016 Content

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The INERTWASTE project will ensure quality management of inert and inorganic waste and promote circularity of resources for construction and industrial processes.

Project funded under the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union, 2021- 2027



The first good practice of INERTWASTE is out! The practice addresses challenges in the waste valorisation process under the former law in Spain, characterized by a long and bureaucratic decision procedure managed by the central government. Have a look at the Good Practice here!


{slider THE PROJECT}

INERTWASTE stands for the Valorisation of inert and inorganic industry and construction waste. The project will ensure quality management of inert and inorganic waste and promote circularity of resources for construction and industrial processes. Inert waste from industrial processes and the construction sector is particularly difficult to manage. Currently, it is generally sent to landfills and/or transported long distances for recovery. INERTWASTE will focus on the valorisation of this type of waste, aiming to extend the life cycle of these resources. INERTWASTE will contribute to a more effective implementation of environmental policy instruments through the exchange of European regional experiences and the discussion of ideas for resolving current policy challenges.


INERTWASTE exchange and mutual learning process is based on the methodology of the 'Transnational Learning Journeys' (TLJ). This methodology is adapted to the specific context of INERTWASTE management policies, which requires the direct involvement of public and private actors in the development and implementation of local and regional policy improvements.

The TLJs will bring together partners and stakeholders to share challenges, opportunities and good practices on one specific theme with the aim of improving partners’ regional policy instruments. A TLJ includes regional Peer-review Workshops; Sustainability Jam session; study visits.

  • 2nd semester, Navarra Region - Regulatory frameworks for sustainable inert waste management;
  • 3rdSemester, Podravje Region - Societal, technology and market challenges for sustainable management of inert waste from industrial and construction processes;
  • 4th Semester, Region SUD - How to promote and support the integration of the circular economy in construction contracts for a better management of construction waste? The role of the waste prevention and management planning authority
  • 5th Semester, Zealand Region - Local public authority and policies as driver for green transition in industrial and construction sector and future skills and knowledge

In addition, partners will develop a guide with the good practices that they have identified as well as a policy report.

{slider ACR+ ROLE}

Within this project, ACR+ will primarily hold the role of knowledge exchange facilitator, mainly by liaising between the project partners and other public authorities across Europe deemed as forerunners in inert waste valorization. Furthermore, ACR+ will assist project partners in identifying the hotspots, practices and procedures with the greatest potential for achieving waste minimization and thus reaching the project’s objectives. When and if necessary, ACR+ will therefore moderate and facilitate the discussions between the public authorities and other stakeholders involved in the value chain.
In parallel to its role facilitator’s role, ACR+ will also coordinate project dissemination activities, create dissemination tools and templates to facilitate partners work and directly implement dissemination and capitalization actions at EU/ international level, as well as targeting its network members.


INERTWASTE project leader is the Government of Navarra (ES)* and its project partners are:

  • ACR+, Association of Cities and Regions for Sustainable Resource Management (BE)
  • GAN NIK, Environmental Management of Navarra (ES)
  • Regional Council Provence- Alpes-Cote d'Azur (FR)*
  • Guldborgsun Municipality (DK)
  • Regional Development Agency Poldravje-Maribor (SI)

*ACR+ member


More information:

Anita Lombardo

Francesco Lembo



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