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16 March 2018 Content


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The CRIC project -Climate resilience and Inclusive Cities- aims to propose a long lasting and unique cooperation between cities and research centres in Europe and South Asia (India, Nepal, Bangladesh), and Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand)

Project funded by the European Commission under the EuropeAid programme, 2010 - 2024.



{slider THE PROJECT}

The project will contribute to sustainable integrated urban development, good governance, and climate adaptation/mitigation through long lasting partnerships, and tools such as sustainable local action plans, early warning tools and experts panels.


The project is articulated around three pillars:

Pillar 1: Knowledge production and exchange
a) Production of knowledge and urban analysis
b) Urban reports
c) Strengthened tools and exchange between European, Indonesian and other Asian cities

Pillar 2: Local action plans for climate resilient and inclusive cities
a) Strengthened cities’ capacities in the design and implementation of inclusive public policies.
b) Improvement of the quality, delivery and equitable access to basic services and infrastructure.
c) Enhanced capacities of cities in managing urban waste and air pollution, Promoted green low carbon and climate resilient urban development and urban circular economy.
d) Enhanced capacities of cities, villages and local authorities in managing disaster risks and promoting shock responsive and resilience infrastructure and services.

Pillar 3: Communication and Capacity Building
a) Improved institutional, financial and administrative capacities of cities and local authorities;
b) Strengthened mechanisms for consultation, coordination and cooperation among public, private, civil society sectors and other relevant stakeholders in the decision making and production of urban development policies.
c) Strengthened capacities of cities and local authorities in using smart technologies.
d) Improved public-private partnerships and schemes for local economy.


While ACR+ will be involved in all of the activities, it will especially share its expertise and knowledge by contributing to expert reports and panels, providing indicators and recommendations for the urban analysis, and developing training, materials and tools. It will also support sectorial action plans and local sustainable action plans.

Last but not least, using its network, ACR+ will be tasked to find trainers, resources and expertise for specific actions.


CRIC’s project leader is UCLG ASPAC, United Cities and Local Governments Asia Pacific (IND), and its project partners are:

  • ACR+, Association of Cities and Regions for sustainable Resource management (BE)
  • AIILSG, All India Institute of Local Self Government (IN)
  • UPEM, Universite Paris Marne La Vallee (FR)
  • PILOT4DEV, Pilot4Dev (BE)


More information:
Anita Lombardo

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