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Municipal textile waste is under the focus of ACR+ member the Catalan Waste Agency which will work to increase the circularity of this stream, following its newly adopted “Strategy for the prevention and management of municipal textile waste in Catalonia (2020-2025)”. Building on an analyse of the current situation and taken into consideration the European and national legislations, the Strategy sets objectives in five areas, associated with action plans to reach them:

  • sustainable production: identify the main producers in Catalonia to involved them in a system of responsibility, transparency and commitment to sustainability;
  • responsible consumption: boost reuse and give visibility to alternatives for responsible consumption;
  • increased selective collection: achieve 15% of selective collection of municipal textile waste by 2020 and 30% by 2025, reaching the target of 6,3kg per inhabitant per year;
  • transparent and efficient management: gather data on collected textile waste broken down by municipalities, data on the destination (territorial and related to end-of-life) with a traceability, optimisation of the process of classification and preparation for reuse;
  • maximise reuse: achieve 95% of recovery of textile waste collected in Catalonia, in a sustainable way.

The Strategy was presented during an event dedicated to circular strategies for textile in Catalonia, together with different instruments to improve the prevention, collection, reuse and recovery of this fraction. Four best practices, identified while analysing the current situation to elaborate the Strategy, were also presented.

Presentations made at this occasion are available online (in Catalan).

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