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“Do you think that sometimes waste legislation is counterproductive for the circular economy?” Earlier in July, ACR+ member the city of The Hague called on ACR+ members to share their experiences and evaluations of relevant EU legal frameworks from a circular economy perspective. Although it is too late to reply to the interactive questionnaire launched as part of the Urban Agenda for Circular Economy, you can still contribute to the discussion in ACR+ Forum. A topic has been created for ACR+ members to exchange their feedbacks and good practices in solving the legal issues when working with secondary resources from (municipal) waste. Relevant resource flows can be plastics, textiles, WEEE, bulky waste, bio-waste or batteries. But they can also represent more specific fractions of these categories of waste, like bottlecaps or discarded DVD players.
The ACR+ forum is available to members in the Member Space. If you have trouble logging in, please contact Marie Cardon at Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser..

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