The Local Alliance, comprising eight leading networks of European cities and regions, including ACR+, has called on the European Commission to reinforce the European Green Deal's implementation at the local level. In a meeting with EU Commission Deputy Secretary General for Policy Coordination Elisabeth Werner and her team, the Alliance stressed the necessity for improved internal coordination within the Commission to align policies and initiatives concerning sub-national authorities. 

The Alliance, which also includes the Council of European Municipalities and Regions, Climate Alliance, Energy Cities, Eurocities, FEDARENE, ICLEI Europe, and the POLIS Network, emphasised that the Green Deal is not only an environmental agenda but also a prosperity agenda requiring transformation and dialogue with local governments. The joint letter from the Alliance urges EU leaders to explore new methods to effectively roll out the European Green Deal at the local level, ensuring that cities and regions play a pivotal role in achieving the Deal's objectives. 

Read the whole letter here

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