The European Chair of Excellence Circular Economy and Territories, a Jean Monnet Chair funded by the European Commission's Erasmus+ program, has joined the ACR+ network. The Chair's mission is to promote circular practices through research, awareness-raising, and fostering collaborations among businesses, academia, and citizens to implement circular projects. By joining ACR+, the Chair aims to align with cities and regions on circular economy issues, leveraging ACR+ expertise in resource management and governance to overcome contemporary challenges. 

Sébastien Bourdin, Chairholder of the European Chair of Excellence Circular Economy and Territories tells us more about the Chair. 

ACR+: What motivated you to join ACR+? 

S.B.: Joining ACR+ will enable the scientists behind the Chair to better align themselves with cities and regions on circular economy implementation. We aim to benefit from ACR+ expertise in resource management governance and address the challenges encountered in recent times, focusing on understanding the drivers and barriers of circular economy deployment. 

ACR+: How do you cooperate with local and regional authorities? 

S.B.: We are conducting a comprehensive study in France, and later in the EU, focusing on the strategies adopted by local and regional authorities regarding resource management. Through numerous interviews with practitioners and politicians, we aim to understand their challenges. The insights gained will enable us to work closely with this audience, providing advisory services, expertise, and awareness through territorial diagnostics, training programs, and conferences. 

ACR+: What are your projects for the coming year? 

S.B.: We plan to collaborate with high school students to implement practical circular solutions, such as promoting the reuse and repair of electronic devices and raising awareness about resource preservation. Additionally, we aim to establish an award to recognize the best scientific work by students across Europe, fostering innovative ideas and connecting them with potential entrepreneurs. 

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