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The report “For a better and sustainable quality of life in European cities” provides an overview of the reasons why the EU is, and should continue intervening in urban areas as well as how urban areas actors perceive the EU intervention. It is based on the deep experience of the EURE project partners coming from 9 countries and covering 480 cities and a population of more than 10 million inhabitants of the European Union.

55 best practices examples illustrate the analysis to show cases of success stories in Europe in different thematic, including 10 good practices of ITI – Integrated Territorial Investments – concerning Sustainable Urban Development.

The report concludes on a set of recommendations to the European Commission to be considered in the implementation of the next Regulations concerning EU funding in the framework the structural funds programming period of 2021-27. They cover four areas: How future EU Urban Policy should look like; Recommendations for each one of the urban policy thematic; Financing; Governance.

Source: www.interregeurope.eu


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