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Waste Serv Malta | "Battery Buster Campaign"

29 October 2014 Content


Over 8,700 kg of spent batteries were collected from Maltese schools during scholastic year 2013-2014 as part of the “Battery Buster Campaign”.  A record of 177 schools participated in this popular inter-school battery collection competition, organised on an annual basis by WasteServ Malta to raise awareness among children and teenagers about sustainable practices for battery use and disposal.

The Awards ceremony took place at St Theresa College Santa Venera Primary School in Malta, where WasteServ CEO Mr Tonio Montebello also announced that the campaign shall continue with a 6th edition during School year 2014-2015. 

Hon Leo Brincat, Maltese Minister for Sustainable Development, Environment and Climate Change, was also present at the event. Minister Brincat said that WasteServ and all the other participants deserve full credit for having made a success story out of the Battery Buster Campaign as they have raised the issue of battery disposal to a higher level of public awareness. 

For further information on the Campaign, visit

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