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TOURISME | Project bears its fruits as 3 SMEs got certified!

20 March 2023 ACR+ News

tourisme project

The TOURISME project, which encompasses 65 SMEs from Cyprus, France, Italy and Spain, is coming to an end, and these 3 certifications are the results of hard work. The project’s dedicated trainings helped SMEs discover the different labels and certifications on the market and choose the one that best suits their activities. As certification is a long and difficult process, the SMEs benefitted from support from their local partners. So far, a French hotel, Duo Hotel, received the Green Key label, a Spanish touristic guide, Palmawithpilar, became Biosphere certified, and an Italian travel agency, Turismore, was certified with the ISO 14001 norm. Besides the fact that a certification is an appreciated reward for a lot of effort made by those SMEs, it also brings new opportunities for the development of the companies. 

Find out more about TouriSME here: 





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