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The review of the European Union’s key waste targets: ACR+ position

25 September 2013 Press releases


While the European Commission completed its public consultation on waste management targets, the Association of Cities and Regions for Recycling and sustainable Resource management (ACR+) would like to publish the association’s position on the target revision, approved by the Board of Directors on Friday, 20 September 2013.

ACR+ supports the opinion adopted by the EU Committee of the Regions (CoR), in which it is proposed to introduce ambitious and binding new targets on waste production, collection, treatment and recycling.

In support of the CoR proposal, ACR+ stresses the fact that targets are essential in waste policies, for each level of the waste hierarchy; that there is a real need for standardisation of measurements and definitions; that the 50% municipal waste recycling target should be increased; and, finally, that a target by specific waste stream at least for paper, plastic, wood and metal is necessary, as well as a specific bio-waste target.

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