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The Circular Europe Network

26 July 2016 Content

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The Circular Europe Network (CEN) is a specific initiative on circular economy launched by ACR+ in order to support local and regional authorities in being ambitious on circular economy and will, therefore, support and help them to adopt aspiring circular economy strategies.



As part of the Coordination Group of the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform (ECESP), and more specifically as leader of a Leadership Group dedicated to Cities and Regions, ACR+ has been actively involved in the organisation of the Platform’s annual conference, which took place online on 3 and 4 November. In particular, ACR+ co-organised two workshops on the second day of the conference, in cooperation with some of its members and other ECESP partners.


{slider THE PROJECT}

Cen picThe Circular Europe Network is a specific working group on circular economy planning which gathers ACR+ members committed to improve their resource strategies and strengthen the sustainable development of their territory.

The Circular Europe Network builds on the expertise of European front runners within the ACR+ network in order to gather, analyse and exchange information on efficient circular economy strategies implemented by cities and regions.

Based on ACR+ vision for circular economy, the Circular Europe Network aims to work on the priorities defined by its members, delivering methodological tools and access to good practices on those priorities.



The Circular Europe Network offers access to factsheets focusing on the governance of local or regional circular economy strategies, as well as the different instruments and actions implemented on this territory.

In addition, the Circular Europe Network delivered guidelines on circular economy planning that aim to clarify the circular economy concept and to propose key steps and elements to include in a local or regional circular economy strategy.

This general guidance material is followed and progressively complemented by sectorial guidelines focusing on public procurement, sustainable food and sustainable construction



Interested in joining the Circular Europe Network?  It is simple, become an ACR+ member and benefit from the CEN work and results!


More information:

Philippe Micheaux Naudet

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