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Study on EU Member States Packaging: Waste Management Systems

24 June 2013 Content

ACRR has been a partner in a study on "EU Member States Packaging: Waste Management Systems" carried out for DG Environment.

This study aimed notably at:

  • assessing the packaging waste management systems and to establish a global picture for each Member State,
  • identifying the managerial and economic problems involved in the packaging waste management system in each Member State,
  • analysing the foreseeable global evolution for each Member State at the deadlines of 2006 and 2011.

The co-ordinator was ARGUS e. v. Arbeitsgruppe Umweltstatistik an der Technischen Universität Berlin and a third partner is Carl Bro a/s Energy & Environment consultants and Planners in Denmark.

Download the Executive summary and the final report of this study. 

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