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20 July 2016 Content

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RE4 logoThe RE4 project – REuse and REcycling of Construction and Deconstruction Waste (CDW), materials and structures in energy efficient pREfabricated elements for building REfurbishment and construction – was a European project aiming at the development of a fully prefabricated energy-efficient building bade of components containing up to 65% by weight of CDW-derived materials and structures.

The project was co-financed by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme.


Do you know that RE4 is one of the success stories from EU-funded Research and Innovation? The project is acclaimed for having developed prefabricated energy-efficient building concepts made from materials, components and structures derived from construction and demolition waste.

{slider THE PROJECT}

The RE4 project aimed to promote new technological solutions and strategies for the development of prefabricated elements with a high degree of recycled materials and reused structures from demolished buildings. The main aim of the project was to develop an energy-efficient building produced from CDW, thus minimizing environmental impacts in the construction industry.

In order to reach its objective the project involved the development of several intermediate but self-standing industrial results, like an innovative CDW sorting system based on automated robotics equipped with advanced sensors, a number of prefabricated building components (including connections) based on CDW-derived materials and structures, as well as the related production processes and equipment.




ACR+ was in particular in charge of gathering data about CDW management regulatory framework and the use of economic instruments as waste taxes, waste collection charges, taxes on raw materials and products, deposit-refund schemes and subsidies and fiscal incentives to improve the performances of the CDW management systems in Europe. ACR+ was also in charge of some communication and dissemination activities to spread the project results to local and regional authorities: a brochure, a roll-up poster and a project presentation were created at the beginning of the project and updated based on the project development.


RE4's project leader was CETMA (Centro di progettazione, design & tecnologie dei materiali, IT) and its project partners were:

  • ACC, Acciona Infraestructuras SA (ES)
  • ACR+, Association of Cities and Regions for Sustainable Resource Management (BE)
  • RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB (formerly CBI Betonginstitutet AB) (SE)
  • CDE, CDE global limited (UK)
  • CREAGH Concrete, CREAGH Concrete Products Limited (UK)
  • FENIX TNT s.r.o. (CZ)
  • NTUST, National Taiwan University Of Science And Technology (TW)
  • QUB, The Queen's University Of Belfast (UK)
  • ZRSA, Roswag Architekten Gesellschaft Von Architekten Mbh (DE)
  • STRESS Sviluppo tecnologie e ricerca per l'edilizia sismicamente sicura ed ecosostenibile scarl (IT)



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