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24 June 2013 Content

Recurso – Residuo - Recurso? Entre todos es posible un ciclo sostenible

R QUE R promote the exchange and dissemination of experiences of good practices for the prevention, the selective collection and the reuse of solid waste, between European and South American cities, with the aim to reduce environmental and health issues, and to promote citizens’ participation and employment of people in a precarious situation.

The project stared in April 2003 and had a duration of 18 months. It received financial support from the European Commission (URB-AL – Europa – America Latina ; EuropeAid)


  • organisations of 3 workshops, 
  • conception of a touring exhibition,
  • production of an information guide for the employees of local administrations and associations for the protection of the environment
  • publication of a guide of good practices for shops, 
  • conception of an educational guide for primary schools, 
  • realisation of a guide for citizens who earn a living by collecting and informally managing waste, 
  • realisation of a website.


  • Municipaliy of Sant Boi de Llobregat, Barcelona (Project coordinator)
  • Porto Alegre, Brasil
  • Río Claro, Brasil
  • Municipality of Bluefields, Nicaragua
  • Eco Club Camilo Aldao,Argentina
  • La Habana, Cuba
  • Municipality of Francisco de Orellana, Equator 
  • City of de Getafe, Spain 
  • City of Santiago de Surco, Perou 
  • City of Caldas de Reis, Spain 
  • ACRR, Belgium 
  • AGUILA, Red Latinoamericana de investigaciones en agricultura urbana 
  • IPES, Promoción del Desarrollo Sostenible, Perou


Download the "Manual de buenas practicas sobre la prevencion et la valorisacion de los residuos municipales"

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