
OVAM | Awareness campaign to stop the amount of waste in wastewater drainage
18 September 2024
Members' News
OVAM informs about the new 'Waardanwel' campaign carried out by the Flemish Environment Agency, the Federation of Flemish water companies and sewerage managers (AquaFlanders), the wastewater treatment company Aquafin, and the consultation platform and knowledge centre for the sewerage and wastewater treatment sector in Flanders (Vlario) to stop the amount of waste in wastewater drainage. According to OVAM, Flemings have a high rate of waste sorting but still need to pay attention when it comes to the sewer, sink, or toilet. Many smokers throw cigarette butts into street drains, cooking oil often ends up in sinks, and wet wipes are flushed down toilets. These practices cause serious issues, such as clogged pipes, and cost sewer managers in Flanders at least EUR 2.5 million annually to clear blocked drains. The 'Waardanwel' campaign educates people on where persistent sewer disruptors should go: regular trash, recycling centers, or collection points.