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New opportunity to access EU grants aimed at reducing consumer food waste

A new opportunity to access EU grants aimed at reducing consumer food waste is now available, under the Single Market Programme and managed by the European Commission in collaboration with the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA). These grants are highly relevant for cities and regions as they have the potential to implement impactful consumer food waste reduction initiatives, so make sure you have a look at them!

The aim of the call is to support stakeholders in their to actions to prevent and reduce the amount of food waste generated at consumer level (both in- and out-of-home). These cover actions such as (non-exhaustive list):

  • behavioural change interventions;
  • education and training;
  • food waste monitoring programs and tools;
  • awareness raising campaigns and communication materials;
  • studies, data collection and experimental actions widening the evidence base for consumer food waste prevention interventions etc

Who can apply?

This call targets both single stakeholders and multi-stakeholder collaborations or partnerships across the food supply chain, including key actors such as farmers, manufacturers, retailers, food services as well as researchers, NGOs and public entities (e.g. local, regional or national authorities, educational establishments etc.).

Funding Details

  • Total available budget: €4 million
  • Project budgets are expected to range between EUR 100,000 and EUR 300,000
    • This does not however preclude the submission of proposals requesting other amounts. There is a co-funding rate of 50%.

Application Deadline

All interested parties are invited to submit their applications by 25 September 2024, 17:00 CET.

For more detailed information about the call, the application procedure, FAQs, and opportunities for collaboration, please visit the Funding & Tenders portal.


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