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New mobility and waste management action plan in Wales

The Football Association of Wales (FAW) has introduced its new action plan, aiming to challenge current matchday mobility principles and improve waste management. This initiative is part of the broader ACCESS project, with various sports organisations publishing similar plans. The FAW’s plan focuses on enhancing public transport usage, reducing waste, and raising awareness among fans and staff. 

A recent survey revealed that only 20% of fans attending the Welsh men’s national team home matches use public transportation, despite most games being held in Cardiff. To address this, the FAW is collaborating with Transport for Wales (TfW) to improve train services for matchdays. Initiatives include increasing train capacity, improving timetables, and reducing cancellations. Additionally, the FAW is targeting its facilities to boost recycling efforts and staff engagement in waste reduction. Future actions will include organising sustainability-themed matches to promote environmental responsibility among supporters. These efforts align with the National Transport Delivery Plan and the Welsh Government's Beyond Recycling strategy. 

Learn more here. 

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