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20 July 2016 Content



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The MED-3R project – MED-3R Euro-Mediterranean Strategic Platform for a Suitable Waste Management – was a strategic project of the ENPI CBC MED Programme included in the topic "Waste treatment and recycling"

This project was co-funded by the European Union, 2012-2015.

{slider THE PROJECT}

This project aimed to contribute to the reduction of waste in the Mediterranean using the triple concept 3R "Reemploy to extend the products lifespan, Reduce the production of waste, Recycle waste".

MED-3R set up an institutional innovation of multi-level governance, implemented on the basis of a strategic platform: "The Euro-Mediterranean Strategic Platform for a Suitable Waste Management" to the benefit of technical managers and experts on waste management over the Mediterranean basin.

The stake was to reinforce the cross-border cooperation based on the involvement of public authorities, social and economical actors and local populations, and to promote the developement and operation of efficient waste management systems in a virtuous circle adapted to local contexts. This comes through the transfer of technical and technological know-how capacity building, the reinforcing of the expertise and the introduction of personalized guidance measures for the project’s teams.

The project MED-3R suggested innovation in approaches and services in order to meet with the specific needs of the beneficiary territories experiencing great difficulties in defining or implementing efficient and sustainable waste management plans. The developement of management plans will be innovative and adapted as it results from a unique initiative between complementary stakeholders of the territory, through the MED-3R strategic plateform.

Thus, the platform promoted a new governance by an organized linking between the engineers and the elected officials in charge of waste in the Mediterranean, supported by experts from the cities networks.

New services, new management methods and more efficient tools were provided to the cities. The platform MED-3R became an operational reference tool to apply and adapt waste management innovations in the Mediterranean.


MED-3R's lead partner was the Metropolis of Nice Cote d’Azur and its project partners were:

  • Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority (ASEZA)
  • Municipality of Blat
  • Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Nice Cote d'Azur
  • Ea eco-enterprises
  • Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know-how in the Water Sector (EMWIS)
  • Municipality of Genoa
  • Municipality of Hyeres-les-Palmiers
  • International Office for Water (OlEau)
  • Municipality of Jbeil-Byblos
  • National Agency for Waste Management (ANGed)
  • Preparatory School for Engineer Studies of Sfax (IPEIES)
  • Municipality of Sousse*
  • Municipality of Sfax
  • University of Genoa, Department of Civil Engineering, Chemistry and Environment

* ACR+ member


  • Association of Cities and Regions for Sustainable Resource Management (ACR+)
  • General Council of the Alpes Maritimes
  • Ministry of Environment in Lebanon
  • Prefecture of the Alpes Maritimes
  • Regional Council in the Provence-Alpes Cote d'Azur
  • SWEEP-Net/Giz



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