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Life + Green Commerce Project

24 June 2013 Content


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Green Commerce was a commitment to minimise the environmental impact of small retail business. 

The project was co-funded by the Life+ programme of the European Commission 2010-2012.

{slider THE PROJECT}

Green Commerce aimed at involving small retailers to campaign  against climate change, to promote the environmental responsibilities in the retail sector and to reduce energy consumption and waste production by means of simple measures. Moreover, the project aimed to encourage innovation in businesses regarding environmental issues by publicizing and promoting successful case studies, in addition to raising awareness with consumers about best practices when shopping that will respect the environment.

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 In order to achieve these goals, the project has:

  • Created a “Green Commerce” European label
  • Provided retail businesses the means to develop environmental GC self-assessment tool
  • Performed environmental audits in 100 shops (50 in Torrevieja, 50 in San Sebastian)
  • Provided training sessions and mobilisation workshops
  • Disseminated project results and knowledge in order to diffuse this methodology


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  • I European Green Commerce Congress - 19 September 2012 in Brussels
  • ACR+ supported the participation of the project to the Green Week, edition 2012 and 2013
  • ACR+ supported the organisation of 2 International events by the Valencia Region
  • ACR+, together with the Green Commerce Partners, hosted the European Information Seminar about the Life+ Green Commerce project on the 25th of May 2011. 



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