LIFE BIOBEST | How to best collect bio-waste in high density areas?
28 August 2023
Waste and Material Flows, ACR+ News
Put a mark on your calendar on 27 September to join the first LIFE BIOBEST webinar! Based on the most up-to-date best practices and findings validated by the project, this webinar aims to present how best to collect organic waste (food and garden waste), in high-density areas. It will share key details and evidence on how to set up such high-performance systems in a range of urban contexts across Europe.
Join us to learn about the DO’s and DON’Ts of effective biowaste management. More specifically, we’ll look in detail at why and how door-to-door collection systems perform much better than other models; how to secure the support and participation of all your community members through innovative communication campaigns and engagement practices; and the importance of prioritising food waste over garden waste in such locations.