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Islands waste in Hyres-les-Palmiers (France)

12 April 2018 Content

MED-3R mesures to improve recovering and treating of islands waste

The island of Porquerolles is the pilot site in the city of Hyeres-les-Palmiers. This island is characterized by a highly touristic activity in the summer and reaches its maximum of waste production between June and mid-September. Thus, 60% of its 1100 tons of household and similar waste generated each year stem from professional activities related to tourism and catering. As waste disposal is performed by maritime transportation to the mainland, it has a remarkably high cost, both environmentally and financially.

A feasibility study has thus enabled the development of several scenarios and the adoption of some sustainable solutions for the island's waste. 28 pre-diagnosis were therefore conducted among the restaurateurs of the island on their provisions as to insularity, and on the type and rates of their generated waste.

A test of innovative material, notably a thermal waste dryer, was undertaken in September 2013. This experiment provided a real interest in terms of waste reduction since it has prevented 70% of their initial volume.

Experimentations on collective composting were also held over a four weeks period between July and August 2014. These experimentations involved thirteen different restaurants, in order to establish a composting protocol in accordance with the streams of produced bio-waste. The quality of the finished compost was compliant with the French quality standard NF U 44 051 and held significant valuation potential.

Finally, the Municipality of Hyeres-les-Palmiers installed solar waste compactors for non-recyclable waste on the island.

A downward trend in the volume waste produced by the city is now noticeable.

The collective composters in Hyères-les-Palmiers.

A dual stream solar compactor in Hyeres-les-Palmiers.

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