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18 August 2016 Content

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The INTHERWASTE project Interregional Environmental Integration of Waste Management in European Heritage Cities –, aimed to foster the exchange of experience and polices for efficient and sustainable waste management in European Heritage Cities.

Project funded under the European Regional Development Fund.



The final conference of the Interreg Europe INTHERWASTE project took place online on 4 February 2021, with a high number of stakeholders attending. The first panel featured the project’s five pilot cities, and the second brought in a set of well-established good practices. The conclusions showed the importance of revisiting and modifying waste management strategies and operational practices in order to facilitate circular economy loops having tangible interconnections with daily life. ACR+ supported the alignment of long-term solutions to local reality and needs.

{slider THE PROJECT}

The INTHERWASTE project aimed for European Heritage Cities to exchange experiences and policies for efficient and sustainable waste management in urban contexts in order to contribute, through mutual capacity building, policy learning and drafting of action plans - to the environmental performance management of waste in EU cities.

The project:

  • contributed – through mutual capacity-building, policy learning and the drafting of action plans – to the environmental performance of waste management in EU cities;
  • improved the capacity of the staff of involved authorities to design and implement policies and measures in the waste field and governance in the same field.


The project focused on waste management in Heritage Cities, as there are many in our continent.The solutions and policies proved feasible in INTHERWASTE were transferable to most heritage but also non-heritage cities in EU and the solutions and policies proved feasible in Heritage Cities were feasible in less demanding urban environments. In addition, the visibility of Heritage Cities worldwide helped duplicate the solutions and policies identified in the project in many other cities.


As advisory partner ACR+ was in charge of providing expertise to the partnership in the different stages of the project, helping to consolidate the knowledge base.

ACR+ also organised a Capacity Building event to train partner cities representatives in the use of different waste monitoring tools for their management at city level (Pre-waste, Miniwaste, R4R, the EWWR Food Calculator and others).

In addition, ACR+ was coordinating the communication activities of the project, ensuring the visibility of the project and programme and the dissemination of good practices and policies. This included the launch of the INTHERWASTE twitter account: @intherwaste; the maintenance of the INTHERWASTE website; the creation and maintenance of a newsletter as well as other communication and information activities.


INTHERWASTE's project coordinator was SADECO (Sanitation Cordoba, ES) and the four municipalities involved were:
•    Krakow (PL)
•    Porto (PT)
•    Ibiza (ES)
•    Tallinn (EE)

ACR+ was acting as advisory partner on the project and provided expertise to the partnership, as well as coordinated the communication activities of the project.



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