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20 July 2016 Content

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IMPACTPapeRec logo 1000pxThe objective of the IMPACTPapeRec projectBoosting the implementation of participatory strategies on separate paper collection for efficient recycling was to  further  increase  the  separate  collection  of  paper  for  recycling in Europe and to promote  appropriate  schemes  to  avoid  landfilling  and  incineration, through the identification and implementation of best practices.


Project co-funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 programme, 2016 - 2018.



The IMPACTPapeRec project came to an end in January 2018. The final project conference was held on 24 January 2018 in Brussels providing an overview of the activities performed during the project’s lifetime. The presentations and materials of the conference can be accessed on the project website.
The main outcome of the project is a Good and Best Practices Handbook – together with additional tools it aims to help municipalities to improve the collection of paper for recycling on their territories. Furthermore, the project developed two eLearning modules focusing on selective collection and recycling.


{slider THE PROJECT}

The main objective of IMPACTPapeRec was to put Europe at the forefront of paper collection and recycling through an innovative approach based on the participation of the whole paper value chain including citizens and municipalities.

The main output of the project is a Best Practice Handbook that aims at providing hands-on guidance to municipalities and other stakeholders on how to improve their collection system in order to increase paper (and other material) recycling rates.

In order to improve the development and promotion of best practices in paper collection there is a need for common evaluation and benchmarking methodologies, thus the project developed such a methodology for the assessment of the best practice application in the municipalities, as well as a series of good practices for further increase of recycling of paper.


Paper for Recycling is used paper and board separately collected and sorted according to the European Standard List of Grades of Paper and Board for Recycling (EN 643).

  • Paper recycling is perceived by the public as being the most effective way to reduce environmental impacts of using paper.
  • For the industry, recycled fibres are an indispensable source of raw materials, supporting industry’s resource efficiency.
  • For local authorities, collecting separately and recycling paper reduces the amount of waste which has to be incinerated or even landfilled.


IMPACTPapeRec provided an innovative and common knowledge platform, which enables cooperation between the key stakeholders involved in the paper value chain.

Several working groups and discussion workshops were organised with project partners and external experts. Information and data about paper collection and recycling systems were collected for 12 best practices and focus municipalities and analysed in order to set up the benchmarks for the development of the methodology and best practice handbook.

A newsletter, a website and other communication tools were developed in order to make the outcomes available for all stakeholders around the whole paper value chain, including citizens and municipalities.


The work in the project led to a final list of good and best practices in collection of paper for recycling which are available on the IMPACTPapeRec project website. A total of 34 practices have been identified and classified in 4 groups:

  • Operational aspects;
  • Policy, legislation and economic aspects;
  • Monitoring and control;
  • Information and communication.

One factsheet for each practice has been drafted, including background information, description of the practice, practical example of implementation, things to consider when applying it, advice on how to start and a list of potential benefits.


IMPACTPapeRec’s project coordinator was ITENE (Instituto Tecnológico del Embalaje, Transporte y Logística) and its project partners were:

  • ACR+
  • CARR, Centros Comerciales Carrefour S.A.
  • CEPI, Confederation of European Paper Industries
  • DIN, Deutsches Institut für Normung
  • DUPNITSA, Municipality of Dupnitsa
  • ECOFOLIO*, Ecofolio
  • EEB, European Environmental Bureau
  • FENIX, Fenix Dupnica Ltd.
  • HAMBURGER, Hamburger Recycling Group GmbH  
  • MEZDRA, Municipality of Mezdra
  • MIHAI VITEAZU, Unitatea administrativ teritoriala Mihai vitezu, judetul Cluj
  • PTS, Papiertechnische Stigung
  • SAICA, Sociedad Anónima Industrias Celulosa Aragonesa
  • SFANTU GHEORGE, Municipiul Sfantugheorge
  • STORA ENSO, Municipality of Dupnitsa
  • TEGA, S.C. Municipality of Mezdra
  • Trivalis

* ACR+ member


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