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Hazardous waste in Nice (France)

12 April 2018 Content

MED-3R mesures to improve the collection of batteries and accumulators and of household hazardous waste.

Batteries and accumulators:

Batteries and accumulators represent a highly dangerous source of pollution to the environment and public health. In France, their placing on the market and their collection, are regulated by the Decree 2009-1139 of 22 September 2009. They are classified in three main categories: industrial batteries and accumulators, automotive batteries and accumulators and portable batteries and accumulators.

Portable batteries and accumulators convert chemical energy into electrical energy of many devices that are part of our everyday lives (remote controls, clocks, watches, calculators, mobile phones, MP3 players, etc.). They are sealed and can be hand carried (weighing less than 1 Kg). They may be rechargeable if the chemical process is reversible or non-rechargeable if the chemical process is irreversible.

Batteries and accumulators should not be disposed of with household waste, since corroded or incinerated they release harmful and highly polluting heavy metals such as lead, mercury, cadmium and aluminum. When these harmful elements come into direct contact with human beings or they infiltrate into his food chain, they can cause serious diseases depending on the rate of contamination. From the 33,353 tons of batteries and accumulators placed each year on the French market, only 35% are recycled while the remaining 65% end up in nature.

Thus, under the French Decrees of 22 December 2009 and 7 January 2011, approved eco-organizations (COREPILE and SCLEREC) as well as an individual system, the Mobivia Groupe SA, have been entrusted with the collection and the treatment of the used batteries and accumulators on behalf of their members.

The territory of the Metropolis of Nice Cote d’Azur is covered by the eco-organization COREPILE that is in charge of collecting batteries and accumulators from mass-merchandisers and civic amenities.

Through the MED-3R project, the Metropolis of Nice Cote d’Azur has acquired an electric vehicle to ensure the collection of these hazardous waste over 274 other points of collection (enterprises, public institutions, small producers, etc.) spread over the Metropolitan area. It is also involved in an informative and awareness campaign on the risks and the sorting of these harmful waste.

In an all, 50 to 80% of a used battery or accumulator constituents are recovered, the extracted material can serve for industrial use or in the manufacture of new batteries and accumulators.

The electric vehicle purchased by Nice Cote d'Azur Metropole to ensure collection of batteries and accumulators.

Installation of storage boxes for household hazardous waste:

Household hazardous waste (HHW) may contain chemicals posing environmental or health risks, such as home cleaning products, maintenance and gardening products. Thus, Nice Cote d’Azur Metropole installed 4 HHW storage boxes at the civic amenities of Carros, of Isola, of Valdeblore and of Saint-Martin-de-Vesubie for subsequent processing under suitable channels.

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