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Have you checked our new report on Deposit Refund Systems in the EU?

The policy landscape around resource management and circular economy in the EU is constantly evolving. Just today, the tensed discussions in the framework of the Packaging and Packaging waste regulation highlighted the battle of interests around key topics. Pressing global challenges like raw material shortages, energy market volatility, supply dependencies, escalating waste quantities and pollution require effective, holistic and ‘no regret’ solutions. Deposit Refund Systems are gaining increased attention around the globe because they seem to fit the description. While this is mostly true, like all other policy tools, they come with their own limitations which need to be understood and nuanced. 

Five years after a first report on Deposit Return Systems for single use packaging, we just published a new report to revisit our knowledge on the topic, understand the new developments and keep up with the ever-changing landscape. 

By focusing on fourteen Member States with existing DRS, the report provides updated data, exploring the effectiveness of deposit systems in reducing littering, and delving into their interaction with Extended Producer Responsibility schemes. 

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