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GREENER | Discover a final overview of the project’s outcomes

19 December 2022 ACR+ News


The 4th and last GREENER newsletter is available, rich of information and insight on the GREENER project and news regarding Green and Circular Public Procurement in Europe. Are you curious to know what is included in the GREENER Toolbox? Do you want to know more about the recommendations on how to engage SMEs Green Procurement? Then, read the GREENER newsletter!

This edition also includes a summary of the GREENER final conference and news from partners, such as the ProCirc Guidance on CPP, training solutions for wood certification, information about the price indexation in Bulgarian public procurement contracts, or the benefits of the project for ACR+ member Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna. The newsletter concludes with news from two ACR+ members: Barcelona city which approved its Sustainable Public Procurement Objective Plan 2022, and the region of Navarra which moved on with the first Regional Green Public Procurement Plan.

Read the newsletter here.









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