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13 April 2021 Content



GREENER C GBThe Greener project – BoostinG industry EngagemEnt iN green pRocurement – aimed to improve the skills of procurers and administrative profiles focusing on SMEs, with regards to GPP criteria and enhancing the responsiveness of curricula of traditional profiles to the future demand of skills.

Project co-financed by the ERASMUS+ Programme of the European Union, 2020 - 2022



The GREENER project contributed to boost SMEs involvement in Green and Circular Public Procurement (GPP/CPP). From December 2020 to November 2022, partners developed several tools to facilitate industry engagement in GPP/CPP. These include a 5 module training course to enhance knowledge of SMEs on GPP/CPP, and a toolbox providing a range of guides and examples to support Vocational Education and Training on GPP/CPP. Moreover, each partner prepared a National report detailing the current situation in their country as well as the conclusion of two workshops about GREENER project methodology and results, carried out with relevant actors on GPP.


{slider THE PROJECT}

Green Public Procurement (GPP), the purchase of goods, services and works by governments and state-owned enterprises respecting sustainability criteria, will be increasingly used by all level of governments in order to achieve the European Green Deal challenge and international targets on circular economy.

GREENER aimed to support companies' participation in GPP with systemic effectiveness on the conditions of sustainability and business competitiveness. To do this, the skills of middle management and the more traditional profiles of the administration needed to be updated. A systemic action of renewal of the VET paths addressed to these profiles was the priority of GREENER project.

The objectives of GREENER were:

  • Improve the skills of procurers and administrative profiles focusing on SMEs, with regard to GPP criteria, including ecolabels, material passports, product eco-design and design for recyclability, extended producer responsibility, waste prevention, packaging material and sharing, collaborative economy, reuse, and refurbishment;
  • Enhancing the responsiveness of curricula of traditional profiles, such as administrative professionals working in SMEs tendering departments, to the future demand of skills (upskilling – reskilling training path);
  • Increasing the employability of VET students facing the global challenges;
  • Improve regional actors’ readiness and create knowledge awareness on the influence of green public procurement on the adoption of sustainable consumption and production patterns by businesses operating in the region;
  • Foster the VET attractivity relaunching the close cooperation between VET, public administrations, government agencies and bodies established to support SME development and SMEs, the Transparency Tools for skills validation and trainers’capacity to apply an international mindset for education.


ACR+’s main role on the project was being the partner responsible for the project’s communication and dissemination activities. This implied primarily building an audience for receiving news and updates on a regular basis through social media, newsletter and press releases as well as key outputs, milestones achieved and events to be held among others, through various dissemination activities.

ACR+ also was in charge to develop a toolbox for the development of I-VET and C-VET (initial and continuing vocational education training) to help companies successfully apply for tenders that incorporate GPP requirements.


GREENER´ project leader was CLEANTECH (BG) and its project partners were:

  • ACR+, Association of Cities and Regions for sustainable Resource management (BE)
  • BCO, Bulgarian consultancy organization (BG)
  • SFC*, Sistemi Formativi Confindustria (IT)
  • CETEM, Asociación empresarial de investigación centro tecnológico del mueble y la madera de la región de Murcia (ES)
  • SSUP - SSSA*, Scuola Superiore di studi universitari e di perfezionamento S.Anna (IT)

 * ACR+ member



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