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25 February 2022 Content

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The GREEN SPORTS HUB EUROPE project had the objective of evolving into a platform which would enable different sport entities but also host cities and regions to review their current environmental practices and adopt necessary improvements.

Project co-financed by the ERASMUS+ Programme of the European Union, 2020 - 2023



Green Sports Hub Europe is inviting both individuals and sport organisations to take a voluntary pledge to support the Green Sports Hub Charter. This Charter will help you showcase your commitment towards a greener future. By taking the pledge, you are expressing your interest in working together and your support for the principles set out in the Charter. Learn more about Green Sports Hub Europe and sign the pledge here.


{slider THE PROJECT}

At many levels, sport organisations have been active on environmental sustainability. However, more efforts are required in order to reach a shared European vision & commitment to help sports organisations act to reduce their environmental impact & move towards decarbonisation. 

The Green Sports Hub Europe (GSHE) included four key pillars and had a clear strategy for how the project would help the sports sector become more environmentally sustainable. More broadly, the project aimed to test the potential of the sports sector, as a high-profile and news agenda-driving industry, to be a channel for the societal behavioral change needed to make the European Green Deal a reality. GSHE focused on good governance so that leaders had the knowledge and skills to place environmental sustainability at the heart of their strategy.

The Green Sports Hub Europe served as a support system for organizations to share knowledge and best practices, so that they could learn from each other and develop. GSHE

  • gathered a set of recognized experts and activists in different fields bridging the gap between sport stakeholders, public authorities & environmental NGOs,
  • listened to the needs of the sector, and
  • equipped sports organizations and their events with the necessary tools (such as a self-assessment tool, a Playbook, and a Charter) to translate existing ISO standards on environmental sustainability into concrete action. The vision was that the GSHE approach and tools would become a central component of sports organization good governance.


ACR+'s role on this project was very versatile and included being a Steering Committee member and the Sustainability Expert. These two roles implied mainly technical leadership in the early stages of the project and advisory support during the later stages. Namely, ACR+ was developing a self-assessment tool which was made available to sport event organizers to understand the environmental impact of these events, followed by a toolkit which enabled these sport event organizers to improve their environmental performances.

Furthermore, ACR+ played an important role in one of the most important outreach activities – the European Green Sports Charter, which sought commitment from and welcomed on board other sport associations and stakeholders in the field of sports who were ready to join the Green Sports Hub Europe.

{slider The Green Sports Self-Assesment tool}

Developed and launched in 2022, the GSHE Self-Assessment tool enables sport organisations to understand the impact of their events and activities. It will make them aware of their starting line on the road to greener sport. Either as a beacon of excellence or a newcomer to the world of sustainability – the time is now for sport entities to embark on this journey!

Brief overview: You can choose from 6 modules covering: event management; natural environment; governance; resource management; facilities; and host/venue selection. By using this tool, you will gain a better understanding of your own impact on the environment, and how this can be mitigated.

{slider European Green Sports Charter}

Partners developed the “European Green Sports Charter” so that it is adapted to all organisations: from the local club to the major leaders of the sector. This Charter is meant to help you showcase your commitment towards a greener future. You will find in this document guidelines on how to reduce your environmental impact.

Built around six key pillars, expertise, guidance, and tools are integrated with the Charter to support your organisation to deliver the most impactful actions.

The Charter will be available in 5 languages: English, French, Portuguese, Norwegian and Slovenian.

To show support to the principles set out in the Charter, individual and organisation can become an early an early supporter of the European Green Sports Charter. All that is needed its to sign an online pledge.


FoodRUs´ project leader was Surfrider Foundation Europe (FR), and its project partners were:

  • ACR+, Association of Cities and Regions for sustainable Resource management (BE)
  • Confederacao do Desporto de Portugal (PT)
  • UK Active (UK)
  • Green Cycling Norway (NOR)
  • Olimpijski Komitet Slovenije (SVN)
  • EUSA Institute (SVN)
  • CEV, Confederation Europeenne de Volleyball (LUX)
  • Rugby Europe (FR)
  • Association Europeenne d’Athletisme (CHE) 


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