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FOLOU | Identifying existing legislation to understand the drivers of food losses generation


Are you familiar with the concept of food losses? Are you obliged to prevent, control or measure food losses? To answer these questions, FOLOU partners are actively working on the identification and interpretation of existing legislation addressing food losses in primary production. ACR+ along with other partners is currently reviewing existing national regulation on food losses (and food waste) across 8 countries in Europe (Austria, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Norway, France, Greece & Ireland). The consortium partners are also looking at the overall EU legislation governing the sector, while also capturing regional initiatives that act in this sense. What type of information do we collect? Objectives, targets, obligations and measures for food loss prevention and reduction mentioned in laws and any initiatives or soft laws instruments. If you would like to participate in the process, and provide your insights on what is the situation in your country/region, do get in touch with us via Lauriane Noirot at  

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