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Exploring the environmental impact of sports

The fourth ACCESS webinar delved into the often-overlooked topic of the environmental impact of sports, particularly on the natural environment, ecosystems, and biodiversity. Despite the common perception, sports events, infrastructure development, and resource usage significantly affect the surrounding environment, leading to habitat loss, land use issues, and disturbances in ecosystems. Recognising the importance of addressing these impacts, the webinar brought together experts and stakeholders to discuss challenges, solutions, and strategies for mitigating the negative effects of sports on flora and fauna. 

During the event, the International Union for Conservation of Nature provided valuable insights into nature conservation initiatives in sports and presented the "Sports for Nature" charter. Academic perspectives from Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies explored ways to measure ecosystem services value and biodiversity impacts of sport organizations. Additionally, Ireland's GAA and and the Wildlife Management Services shared their experiences and insights into biodiversity projects in sports grounds. 

The recording is available here.

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