EWWR | Launch of the Euro-Med Weeks for Waste Reduction sister campaign
07 November 2022
ACR+ News
ACR+ and MedWaves join forces to launch the Euro-Med Weeks for Waste Reduction campaign (EMWWR), highly inspired by the consolidated experience and results of the EWWR. The EMWWR will contribute to catalyze actual behaviours toward more sustainable consumption and production patterns, aligning to the key objectives of the EWWR while reflecting the social, economic, and political specificity the Southern Mediterranean brings about.
For this first edition, the EMWWR is launching a Call for Actions in which different Action Developers are invited to submit Action proposals that mobilize youth in the prevention and treatment of textile waste in the Southern Mediterranean area, in line with the EU Sustainable & Circular Textiles Strategy. Submit your action until 30 November 2022.
For this first edition, the EMWWR is launching a Call for Actions in which different Action Developers are invited to submit Action proposals that mobilize youth in the prevention and treatment of textile waste in the Southern Mediterranean area, in line with the EU Sustainable & Circular Textiles Strategy. Submit your action until 30 November 2022.