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European Waste Reduction Week - 2008 Pilot Edition

15 July 2013 Content

From 20 to 30 November 2008,

Europe danced to the tune of waste reduction!


This 2008 pilot edition prepared the ground for the first official European Waste Reduction Week, which will take place in November 2009 in the framework of an EU LIFE+ project submitted by ADEME (French Agency for Environment and Energy Management) with ACR+ and the regions of Brussels, Catalonia and Porto as partners.

Interested in the 2009 edition of the European Week for Waste Reduction?
Stay in the loop, contact us to get on the EWWR 2009 mailing list!

Participants in the 2008 Pilot Edition

Check out the websites of the participants to know more about what they did during the 2008 pilot edition.

Coordinator of the LIFE+ project


LIFE+ Partners

ACR+ -


During the 2008 pilot edition of the European Waste Reduction Week, ACR+ will carry out the following actions:


  1. Publication of a Campaign Handbook on Waste Reduction (in French and English). This guide is one of the tools created within the ACR+ European Campaign for Waste Reduction.

  2. Publication of reports from the “Organic Waste” and “Packaging” technical groups of the European Campaign for Waste Reduction (for members only).
  3. Co-organisation, in partnership with the Brussels-Capital Region, of an international conference entitled “Organic Waste in Urban Environments – New European Challenges”, which will take place on 20 and 21 November at the Committee of the Regions (Brussels).
    This event will close, on the eve of European Week, with a round-table discussion on the European policy of organic waste prevention and recycling, with high-level representatives who will give their point of view on the following three questions:
    - What will the new Framework Directive bring?
    - What additional legal measures are needed for organic waste?
    - How can a European Waste Reduction Week be supported?

ARC (Catalan Waste Agency) -
Bruxelles Environnement -
LIPOR (Grand Porto) -

Other ACR+ Members

FPRC (Catalan Foundation for Waste Prevention) -
Gipuzkoa -
North London -
Pamplona Region -
Walloon Region -

Other initiative : Italy

Rifiuti 21 Network

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