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Circular Economy Conference and new vision's presentation at ACR+ General Assembly 2014

26 May 2014 Press releases


In the context of celebrating its 20th anniversary, ACR+ organized a conference in collaboration with the Italian association AICA. The event was held on 22-23 May in Rome and was followed by the ACR+ General Assembly 2014.

The 22 May was dedicated to all activities related to the European Week for Waste Reduction project. In the evening, the Awards 2013 ceremony was celebrated, supported by the presence of Italy's Environment minister, Mr. Gian Luca Galleti.

On 23 May, the concepts of «Zero Waste» and «Circular Economy» were the focus of discussions. Many experts and representatives of European, national and regional organizations presented their position on these key concepts.

To close the two-day conference, ACR+ gathered the members all together during its General Assembly 2014 and introduced its new vision.

ACR+ wishes to keep on promoting the "Multi-R" approach (Reduce - Reuse - Recycle) placing this approach in the concept of circular economy. Furthermore, ACR+ advocates for territorial hierarchy where the "short cycle" is chosen as much as possible, for "new business models" and for more partnerships among different stakeholders, whether public or private.

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