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20 February 2017 Content


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The CEYOU project – Circular Economy for Youth – aimed at promoting, engaging, connecting and empowering young people around the circular economy as a means to deal with the dangers to the environment and of climate change.

Project co-financed by the ERASMUS+ Programme of the European Union, 2019-2021


CEYOU produced many interesting tools to encourage and facilitate the involvement of young people and youth associations in the framework of circular economy initiatives. After the publication of the guidelines to establish permanent forums of dialogue between local authorities and youth organisations on circular economy, the CEYOU partners released a toolkit to support young people and youth organisations in developing and implementing training programmes, activities and events in the field of Circular Economy. Finally, it’s available a guide on the wide range of Open Educational Resources (OERs)already available online but spread over different web pages and websites. The toolkit organizes these resources following the different phases of project realization – from inspiration, to ideation and implementation, and can be used both individually and in groups. Multiplier events will be organised in the upcoming months in Belgium, France, Greece, Italy, Republic of North Macedonia, and Wales.

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The project aimed to empower them to take positive actions and initiatives within their local communities and to develop networks, as well as exchange practices at local, regional, national and European level.

At the same time, the CEYOU project aimed to promote the quality, innovation and recognition of youth work as a power for social and economic change within Europe through focusing on the concerns of young people and developing formal, nonformal and informal learning around those issues and concerns.


The project outputs include the development of guidelines for the establishment of permanent fora for dialogue between youth organisations and local authorities to promote circular economy practices, the development and implementation of training programmes and activities for young people in the field of the circular economy, Open Educational Resources (OERs) for young people to support the occupational profile of a circular economy youth facilitator, and of a web application to guide young people in setting up initiatives around the circular economy.

ACR+ led the production of the first project output, namely the guidelines for the establishment of permanent fora for dialogue between youth organisations and local authorities to promote circular economy practices. The guidelines were developed through desk research on current literature by project partners and then tested through the organisation of local fora in Italy, Wales, UK, France, North Macedonia and Greece.

ACR+ also shared its expertise on circular economy with the partnership and work on the creation of OERs and the development of the web application.


CEYOU's project leader was Pontydysgu Limited, Bridge to Learning - Educational Research (UK), and its project partners were:

  • ACR+, Association of Cities and Regions for sustainable Resource management (BE)
  • ACP, Active Citizens Partnership (GR)
  • UCSA*, Ufficio Commune Sostenibilità (IT)
  • Y-E-N, Youth Express Network (FR)
  • CID, Centre for Intercultural Dialogue Association (MK)

* ACR+ member



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