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CEN 3rd Workshop Documents

02 October 2015 Content

In order to prepare the third Circular Europe Network workshop of 30/10 in Brussels, we are sending you an overview of the themes that will be addressed during that day, as well as links to some tools and initiatives in the field of public procurement and circular economy.

To read the document, click here.

We would also appreciate if you could fill in an online questionnaire to prepare this meeting, by Friday 16 October at the latest.

Go to the questionnaire!

Should you have questions or would like to share more experiences, we kindly invite you to contact Philippe Micheaux Naudet (

Thank you for your cooperation.



The CEN workshop is a side event of the Procurement Foresight Workshop organised on 29 October in the framework of the PPI4Waste project. The Procurement Foresight Workshop is open to all, we warmly invite ACR+ members to participate in both events!


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