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CCRI-CSO | Celebrating achievements and looking to the future at the second Annual Conference

CCRI-CSO (Circular Cities and Regions Initiative Coordination and Support Office), the DG RTD initiative which aims at accelerating transition to circular economy at local and regional level is well in its second year. Bringing together a multitude of actors and CCRI projects, CCRI-CSO provides support to a selected number of cities and regions working on circular economy. This fall, the initiative its hosting its second annual conference. With the title: From vision to reality: Cities and regions drive forward Europe’s circular transition”, this second meeting of CCRI stakeholders and beyond aims at discovering synergies between the people and places working on diverse aspects of circular economy. ACR+ is one of the participating partners of the project and leading diverse tasks, including a Thematic Working Group on Circular Resource Management.

The first day of the conference will take place on 08 November, all day in Brussels and is open to participation. If offers possibilities to connect with others and exchange ideas to drive circularity forward in the EU!

The venue has a capacity of 200 people, so if you register soon, you can secure a place! If you can not make it in person, there will be opportunities to join online.

More information and registration link is available here:

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