Brest sets out its commitments for public procurement contracts
After 12 months of collaborative work, the city of Brest and Brest metropolis (France) have published their Scheme for the Promotion of Socially and Ecologically Responsible Public Procurement (Schéma de Promotion des Achats Publics Socialement et Écologiquement Responsables - SPASER in French)
Taking into account the latest legislative developments, the SPASER amplifies, makes more visible and measurable with quantified objectives, the ambition carried for many years by Brest metropolis and the city of Brest to make their purchasing policy a vector of transformation in the service of sustainable and united development of the territory.
This document, born from the collaboration of all departments involved in public procurement and elected officials, sets out the commitments of the purchasing policy on all public procurement contracts (public contracts and concessions) which are structured around three axes:
- Social responsibility.
- Environmental responsibility.
- Economic responsibility.
Each axis includes objectives whose implementation methods have been determined in order to allow for a change in purchasing practices that concretely respond to the social, environmental and economic challenges of public procurement. For each of the 3 axes and 9 objectives, the SPASER includes 101 precise monitoring indicators established for Brest Métropole and the city of Brest. The binding SPASER also provides 12 quantified target objectives for all axes. Appendix 1 sets out all the quantified target objectives to be achieved.
Find out more about public procurement in Brest on its website.