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Breaking down and overcoming financial barriers within circular economy

The DECISO project successfully closed its inception phase and pilots are now fully busy with setting their circular economy programs. A strong focus was put on analysing the situation at local level: partners mapped the market state of the art of circular economy in the pilot areas and identified practices and opportunities at national and European levels. Partners also gathered a pool of stakeholders and activated them during several workshop. The support of local actors, including political ones, will be crucial to the project’s success and thus they will be regularly engaged throughout the project.

Partners are now gearing their attention towards the different programs to build in the pilot territories. They are working on defining the specifications of each financing scheme, establishing a list of activities to implement, assessing their sustainability. The goal is to plan the operative steps for launching the programs by the end of the year. Info-days and other events will be taking place throughout the year so make sure you keep an eye on the project’s website not to miss them!

One of them has been a webinar on 30 April 2024, organised jointly with the InvestCEC project. Titled "Breaking Down Financial Barriers in the Circular Economy." this webinar explored the financial challenges within the circular economy and strategies to overcome them, using as examples the DECISO's pilot projects. A recording is available online for those who missed it. 

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