Áreas de trabajo
ACR+ works in 5 main areas:
Awareness raising and communication
Ensuring a better integration of resource efficiency within national, regional and local strategies requires not only to change policies but also to change people’s behaviour. This is why raising awareness is an essential part of sustainable material resource strategies, with the inclusion of effective and comprehensive activities targeting also sustainable consumption. ACR+, through its works linked to awareness-raising and communication provides its members with concrete experiences and examples of actions participating in a change of behaviour within societies through the promotion of the multi-R approach. |
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Operational instruments and monitoring
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The waste hierarchy highlights waste prevention, together with preparing for reuse and materials recycling, as the highest priorities when setting up a waste management strategy, before any other recovery and disposal alternatives. The European law and political orientations set obligations and guidance in order to reach a high level of performance regarding those first three steps of the waste hierarchy, with the aim of finding a concrete implementation at the national, regional and local level. ACR+ works on several projects in order to measure waste prevention (potential targets, quantitative results, indicators, impact) and improve waste data on selective collection and recycling. It provides guidance and good practices on waste prevention and waste management to help its members improving their expertise regarding collection and treatment alternatives. |
Legal and economic instruments
Economic instruments are powerful tools to encourage more sustainable behaviour from private and public sectors as well as from citizens/consumers. Although the local situation is always the first to be considered, it is also vital to be aware of the global framework, to know what is being done at national and European levels. Through its activities and network of experts, ACR+ examines the different possible systems (their benefits and drawbacks, the necessary accompanying measures to ensure their effectiveness, etc.) and provide data to determine what the most appropriate instruments could be, in link with set objectives. ACR+ closely follows the evolution of the legislation in terms of economic instrument and analyses its impact at local level. The activities of the network mainly aim to support local authorities to prepare themselves and implement the legislation, and to select the regulatory instruments most suited to fulfil their obligations. |
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Strategy and planning
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Strategy and planning are key aspects of the work of local and regional authorities when they are developing resource efficiency policies. In this field, ACR+ aims at helping its members to be ambitious when it comes to the development of material resource management strategies. It insists in particular on the necessity for several department and organisations to work together (not in silos) and adopt a comprehensive approach. This is becoming even more essential with the current circular economy trend. To inspire its members, ACR+ shares frontrunners expertise – amongst its network and outside – with its members. |
Cooperation and capacity building
ACR+ is working to enhance capacities of public authorities with regard to waste management and sustainable lifestyles, understand the specific requirements due to geographical situation and socio-cultural backgrounds, build dynamic partnerships amongst its members. The aim is to optimise transfer of knowledge and expertise to less experienced LRAs, exchange information and expertise concerning solutions adapted to local technical, legal and financial contexts. ACR+ works on cooperation and capacity building by expanding its network and welcoming more cities and regions from the South and East of the Mediterranean area through the implementation of specific projects. |
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